Use this Holiday Checklist for a Top-Notch Smile

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You deserve a healthy, strong, and beautiful holiday smile during this wonderful time of the year! Unfortunately, this might be a tough smile goal to achieve because there are many holiday foods, drinks, and activities that can harm your smile and alter the condition of your oral health. The good news is that there is a way to reach the holiday smile you desire! To help you, our dentist, Dr. William Schell, is happy to give you this holiday smile checklist:

-Brush your teeth every morning and every night (for two minutes each time).
-Floss your teeth every night after your brushing routine.
-Rinse your mouth every night after your brushing and flossing routines.
-Visit William W. Schell, DDS for a checkup if it has been six months since your last checkup.
-Protect your smile with a mouthguard if you participate in high-contact holiday traditions (basketball, football, sledding, and ice skating).
-Whiten your smile with a whitening treatment (it can be over-the-counter or professional).
-Avoid foods and drinks that harm your teeth, like those that have high amounts of acid and sugar.

Call William W. Schell, DDS today at 972-618-0084 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to have a top-notch holiday smile in Plano, Texas. Our dental team is more than happy to help you, and we look forward to your phone call!