A Dental Filling Might Be Able to Repair a Small Area of Demineralized Tooth Enamel

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Chronic plaque acids caused by poor oral hygiene practices can gradually start to affect the mineral density of your tooth enamel. If it’s not addressed by a professional dental cleaning at William W. Schell, DDS the persistent acidic environment in your mouth could cause a small cavity to form on one of your teeth.

If you notice a change or increasing sensitivity with one of your teeth, it’s best to have it examined by a dentist like Dr. Schell. If he finds that an area of demineralized tooth enamel has fostered a cavity, he can help you understand your options for treating the tooth.

If the area of tooth decay is relatively small, he might be able to repair the tooth by installing a simple amalgam or composite dental filling. This treatment strategy starts with Dr. Schell removing any decayed tooth enamel. This leaves behind a clean healthy surface to secure the dental filling.

The specific material used for the dental filling will be based on the tooth’s location and appearance in your smile.

Dental fillings made from metallic amalgam are produced from a special blend of biologically safe dental metals. Their reputation for durability makes them a good option for repairing a cavity that isn’t overtly visible in your smile. Composite resin dental filling is composed of a special dental plastic that can be shaded to match tooth enamel. This makes them a good choice for repairing a cavity that is visible in your smile.

If you live in the Plano, Texas, area and you suspect a cavity is developing on one of your teeth, you should call 972-618-0084 to have it examined and treated at the dental offices of William W. Schell, DDS.